Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Being a Mommy changes everything

Yesterday during lunch a coworker said to me, "Wow, being a parent really does change your life." It made me think about the ways my life have changed in the four months since my son was born.
I no longer sleep late. I think the last time I slept late was sometime last year. (Pregnancy has a way of making you get up and down all night long.)
I don't stay up late, either. Bedtime now is usually 9 p.m.
"Poopy" and "bottle" are words used numerous times daily in my house.

Those seem like some negative aspects of parenting. But then there's ....
Smiles at 6 a.m.
Grasping a toy and cooing like you really know what you're saying.
Sleepy sighs and warm breath on my cheeks.

I love being a mommy.

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