Monday, August 06, 2007

Hot town, summer in the city

Baby, it's hot outside. So hot, that I expect the soles of my American Eagle ballet flats to melt to the pavement.
I've been trying to think of ways to keep cool. Since there's also drought conditions in our area, turning on the sprinkler and running around isn't the best idea.
So here's what I've come up with - I'm going to think myself cool. Mind over matter to beat the heat.
Here goes:
- Remember the ice storm a few years back. Imagine you are one of the trees coated in ice. It's cool and quiet in your crystalline cocoon.
- My favorite ice cream in kindergarten was orange creamsicle. I remember it only cost 15 cents to buy one of those yummy ice cream bars. (I'm feeling cooler already.)
- In college (in an un-air conditioned dorm) we tried opening the refrigerator door and pulling cool air out of it with a fan (now that I pay an electric bill I wouldn't do this.)

Do you have any ideas? If so, leave me a comment. I'll publish your ideas in Sunday's Star in the Life section.


SeaCat said...

When I get so hot that I feel like I'm being baked, I hop into my car, turn the a/c on full blast, with all vents turned towards ME. Then I hit the button on the CD player where there is BEACH MUSIC on! Of course, I also have something cold to drink. It only takes a couple of songs and I'm in the cool! There are also thingies you can get to stick into your freezer and then place under your shirt, down your pants or whenever it feels the best!

Allison Flynn said...

I would love to have one of those - I feel sorry for all the women who are 7, 8 and 9 months pregnant right now.
Thanks for the suggestion, Seacat!

Allison Flynn said...

I would love to have one of those - I feel sorry for all the women who are 7, 8 and 9 months pregnant right now.
Thanks for the suggestion, Seacat!

Anonymous said...

I know how it feels to be "very" pregnant during the height of summer. One of my kids was born Aug 3rd and another one on Sept 19. I am short and they were big babies and it was all I could do to breathe during those last weeks.
But that was eons ago though, and now there are some really "cool" things out there to help keep cool in the heat. Those little plastic cheapo personal fans (some have attached things that hold water) are wonderful, and they're on clearance now.

Allison Flynn said...

I've seen those but figured they were more trouble than they were worth! I was lucky - I got pregnant this time of year and was big during the winter. My mom had my sister 21 years ago this October - so she was pregnant during that awful heat and drought. (I remember having to be the one to hang clothes on the line and that the grass was so hot it would burn your bare feet.)

Anonymous said...

I love the little personal fans, although about the only time I use one is when I have to be outside in the heat for a prolonged period of time. They run on AA batteries and are very lightweight and most of them can be clipped to something. Of course, having a big cold drink is the best bet.

I bet those clothes dried in record time when hung out in such hot heat. It was so much cheaper to do that, but my kids always complained about stiff clothing, and I also hated how the towels felt. But hey...that's one great way to take advantage of the heat. of a FEW I can think of!