Monday, August 13, 2007

Yippee - it's WeeRuns time again!

I got a reminder card in the mail Saturday for WeeRuns.
If you haven't heard of it, WeeRuns is a children's consignment sale held twice each year in Rutherford County. (It's also held in other parts of the state and even in other states.) You can find gently used toys, books, shoes, clothes - even car seats and pool floats.
Last spring I volunteered for the first time. Volunteering is not only fun but earns you the opportunity to shop before anyone else. The clothes Nathan's been wearing this summer came from WeeRuns, and since he's outgrowing them rapidly, I'm glad it's coming up again.
Here's a link to the WeeRuns site, which has the hours and dates for the fall sale:


Mommy said...

WeeRuns has saved me a small fortune, I'm sure of it!

Tell me about volunteering. What did you do? Are you going to volunteer this year too? I'm intrigued. :)

Allison Flynn said...

You can register to volunteer online at By volunteering, you get to shop before anyone else. It's saved me a small fortune too - so much so that I've convinced hubby to volunteer too.
I will be volunteering again this year - e-mail me and I'll tell you the date :)